6. Informal Resolution

There are several options for resolving a matter informally. A DRA will assess the case and recommend a resolution option. Options may include providing advice, conflict coaching, conciliation, mediation and restorative justice circle. Within the residence community, according to the criteria outlined in the Residence Community Standards document, Dons and Residence Life staff members are empowered to attempt informal resolution before referring a matter to an adjudicative process. If either party does not respond to a notice for an informal resolution meeting, then the matter will normally proceed to adjudication.

Informal resolution processes are confidential and personal information and admissions shared within the process may not be used by either party against the other in an adjudicative process unless otherwise stipulated. If the parties arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution, then the resolution/agreement may be shared with the appropriate third parties or decision-makers, but the content of the process remains confidential.

Facilitators of any informal resolution process provide a forum for participants to discuss the complaint, the impact of the incident/dispute, and develop a resolution that may include but is not limited to sanctions listed in Section 14 of the CSRR. If informal resolution is successfully reached and compliance (if applicable) is achieved, then the file will be closed.

In the case of mediation and restorative justice circle processes, where a resolution is not reached, the case will normally proceed to an adjudicative process. Also, where a resolution has been reached but the resulting agreement is not complied with, compliance measures outlined in Section 14 (e) will be invoked or the matter may be referred to an adjudicative process. Refer to https://oscr.students.yorku.ca for more details about these services.